The new working environment of IMAP Spain

Beatriz Araujo Corral

With an expected return date, the entire Imap Albia Capital Partners team will be ready to give up continued homeoffice work and return to our offices.

After more than two months away from our physical places, concerned about our health, our families´ health and our customers´ health, the fight against Covid 19 continues.  Now that  health situation has improved and is gradually approaching the objectives set, it is time to think about the return to work that many of us look forward to.  This can’t stop!

Today we are going to tell you what this physical lap is going to be like and the new routines that we are going to have to adapt to.

With our Prevention Officer (IMQ Prevention) we have worked and prepared a Safety and Health Contingency Plan for the prevention of contagion risk. With it we will be able to answer to a possible case or close contact of Covid-19 following, of course, the recommendations made by the Ministry of Health.

How have we developed this Plan?

The Ministry of Health has established a risk assessment according to the nature of the activities and the different exposure scenarios in which we can find ourselves. Our activity puts us in a scenario of Risk 1: “Low probability of exposure”. This means that we do not work directly in front of the public and at the moment we have to attend a visit we will be able to guarantee the social distance of two meters.

According to this risk scenario we have adopted the following prevention measures organized in three main blocks:

  • Organizational measures
  • Personal protection measures
  • Information and continuous training measures to the team.

Regarding organisational measures we have modified the arrangement of some of our jobs to ensure the social distance of two meters. Frequent hand washing will be one of the most important measures that we will have to follow together with the ventilation of our spaces, as well as responsible for a thorough cleaning of our computer equipment, printers and other surfaces such as door handles, switches, etc. In addition, we also have contemplated a protocol of redistribution of tasks and telework, exceptionally, if necessary.

Regarding personal protection measures we have hydroalcoholic gels in all our workspaces, meeting and reception rooms, as well as masks and gloves that, although we are not obliged to use them, may be necessary in the event of non-cooperation or possible case of Covid-19.

All our meetings will continue to be held by videoconference with our clients unless, it is not posible because of one or other reason. Our romos are spacious enough to keep social distance. On this point, our safety and prevention protocol advises us to keep track of all visits and meetings that we hold in order to be able to follow up on a health emergency. In the face of this extraordinary situation, what is marked by public health and the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) will always be respected.

Information and training, the last block of our contingency plan, are critical to the team. We have placed posters and signage where we promote hygiene and prevention measures and all colleagues have been trained on how to take these prevention measures in the office and outside. We’ve even seen very useful videos of how to use a mask and how to remove disposable gloves.

We want to highlight Albia’s concern and commitment to continuously monitoring and updating the information that health authorities are publishing these days. This commitment is the key to ensuring the safety of  workers, collaborators and customers in this return to normality (on this return to our offices).

See you soon!

Best Regards.







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