“How much is my company worth?” in Cámara Comercio Cantabria


Alex Azcona, Partner of IMAP Albia Capital Partners, will be in Santander, next March 26 at 9:00 h at the Cantabria Chamber of Commerce with the talk “How much is my company worth?”

In the current context of abundance of corporate operations, and excess liquidity in the markets, many companies receive approximations or have opportunities for the execution of a corporate deal, for what they require guidance in the estimation of the company’s value.



Popular wisdom tells us that by multiplying EBITDA (Earnings before interests, taxes, depreciation and amortization ) by an “X” factor we already have the value of the company. Participants will be able to understand why two companies with the same EBITDA may have a different value and what elements make the value change. It will also discuss the factors that influence price, beyond value, illustrating this fact with some practical examples.


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