IMAP closed 112 deals worth more than $14.7bn in H1 2021

IMAP closed 112 deals worth more than $14.7 billion during the first half of 2021. The strong rebound in market
activity that began in Q4 of 2020 carried over well into Q1 of this year and although the rate of deal making
returned to more normal pre-COVID levels in Q2, IMAP partners around the world have full pipelines and many
are expecting to have a record year.


“The rebound in deal making activity observed throughout the first half of the year as transactions were reactivated and
well-positioned buyers and sellers re-engaged is impressive.
Moreover, a unique combination of lingering pent up demand,
low interest rates, cash rich corporates, ambitious PEs with
staggering amounts of investment capital, the SPAC boom, along
with the ongoing disruption of technology trends across many
sectors will continue to drive activity in the second half.”

Jurgis V. Oniunas , IMAP Chairman


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