“Business owners are surprised when they gain an understanding on the market criteria that is applied to value their companies”

ACEFAM (Cantabrian Association of Family Businesses) counted with IMAP Albia Capital for a Conference on the valuation criteria of companies.

“How much is my company worth?” was the title of the talk given yesterday by Alex Azcona, partner of IMAP Albia Capital.

This is a question that sometimes founders ask themselves  and tends to become more recurrent for coming generations and moreover with the proximity of deals within and outside the corporate group.

” We have to differentiate between value and price. On the one hand we have  “value”, which is achieved by generally accepted methods, and on the other hand we have  “price”, what the market is willing to pay. Sometimes the price is higher than the  value and in other cases the opposite happens.

Usually, entrepreneurs do not ask for a technical valuation, what they want to know is  how much their company is worth in the market”.

Take 5 minutes to read the full article published in El Diario Montañés.

210217 EDM Alejandro Azcona en ACEFAM

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