Aitor Cayero, CFA “Capital raising and incorporation of a partner into my company”




Aitor Cayero, CFA,  Director at IMAP Albia Capital will give an interesting talk, February 20 th at Club de Marketing de La Rioja.





Description of the process of incorporating a partner into my company: capital raising, description of the main financial and/or industrial actors that may be an appropriate partner and their characteristics, commonly used valuation methods and more common clauses to regulate the relationship between partners.

In the current context of abundance of corporate operations and excess liquidity in the market, many companies receive approximations or have the opportunity to incorporate a partner for what they require to know the main milestones and particularities of these processes.¿cómo-abordar-una-ronda-de-financiación-e-incorporar-un-socio-mi-empresa

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