The step from being a General Manager to being an Entrepreneur

Many of the managers have often thought of taking the step to become entrepreneurs, either within the company in which they work or in another company in the sector that they already dominate due to their activity. On the other hand, there are many entrepreneurs/shareholders who, in order to give continuity to the company, are […]

Aritz Laso, nº 1 Rising Dealmakers Spain

We already predicted it a few weeks ago and now it is official, after our last corporate transaction announcement, our colleague Aritz Laso, Transaction Manager, leads at this moment along with two other Rising Dealmakers of Spain in the ranking of TTR – Transactional Track Record ( of this year 2022. We are very proud

IMAP Albia Capital advises Estamode´s shareholders on the sale of their share to Gemba Private Equity

IMAP Albia Capital has advised Estamode‘s shareholders on the sale of 100% of their shares to Gemba Private Equity, an investment fund that specialises in industrial SMEs. With this acquisition, Gemba expects to provide the company with the resources needed to tackle its ambitious growth plan, thereby generating value for the company’s stakeholders (employees, banks,

The Value of an M&A advisor

Elías Martínez, Partner at IMAP Albia Capital Corporate transactions play an important role in the strategy of businesses and their shareholders. Traditionally, corporate transactions (buying/selling companies or businesses) have been part of the growth or repositioning strategy of large firms as they race against competitors to grow or diversify. To implement these strategies, large companies

IMAP closed 109 deals in the first half of 2022

  IMAP closed 109 M&A transactions valued at over $18 billion in the first half of 2022. Compared to the past few quarters in which the market experienced a notable post-COVID rebound and IMAP record high deal closings (111 in Q4 2021 and 65 in Q1 of this year), the pace of dealmaking activity in

Chapter 6 podcast “The Last Meeting”

Last Friday we recorded at our offices episode 6 of the podcast on mergers and acquisitions, M&A and corporate transactions “The Last Meeting”. Irache Estebaranz, Head of Marketing and Aritz Laso, Transaction Manager of IMAP Albia Capital had the pleasure of chatting with Yaukuma Armbruster, Iberia Partner of Quantum Capital Partners, German investor of reference

Company Valuation with entrepreneurs at Club de Marketing de Navarra

Last Thursday afternoon, June 16th, our colleagues Aitor Cayero and Alex Azcona, partners at fIMAP Albia Capital shared a master class on Company Valuation at the Marketing Club of Navarra. We would like to thank the Marketing Club and especially its Director, Cristina Zariquiegui, and the more than 80 people who attended the talk, both

Company Valuation Class at CTCR

Last Thursday morning, June 16th, our colleagues Aitor Cayero and Alex Azcona, partners at IMAP Albia Capital shared a class on Company Valuation at the Footwear Technology Center of La Rioja. We remind that IMAP Albia Capital advised the footwear company Notton in its sale to the financial investor Gemba Private Equity. The footwear sector

“There is interest in buying companies” – Interview Estrategia Empresarial

“There is interest in buying companies both locally and abroad.” After a 2021 financial year of historical records, the M&A market is also moving in a scenario of high exposure to the international geopolitical context. In the opinion of Fernando Cabos, founding partner of IMAP Albia Capital and Pablo Gómez, M&A Director of the  firm,

Spezialization, an added value in M&A services

Alex Azcona, Founding Partner at IMAP Albia Capital The founders of IMAP Albia Capital have spent over 18 year advising clients in corporate transactions and closed more than 150 deals during that time. Throuhout the years, just like in other technical or financial fields, there has been a significat evolution and the parameters that clients

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