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“There is interest in buying companies” – Interview Estrategia Empresarial

“There is interest in buying companies both locally and abroad.” After a 2021 financial year of historical records, the M&A market is also moving in a scenario of high exposure to the international geopolitical context. In the opinion of Fernando Cabos, founding partner of IMAP Albia Capital and Pablo Gómez, M&A Director of the  firm, […]

Spezialization, an added value in M&A services

Alex Azcona, Founding Partner at IMAP Albia Capital The founders of IMAP Albia Capital have spent over 18 year advising clients in corporate transactions and closed more than 150 deals during that time. Throuhout the years, just like in other technical or financial fields, there has been a significat evolution and the parameters that clients

Faurecia sales NFPP & WFPP Business Unit in Spain to Callista Private Equity

  Faurecia, one of the world’s leading suppliers of automotive components, has agreed to sell the NFPP (Natural Fiber Polypropylene) and WFPP (Wood Fiber Polypropylene) business unit located in Galicia to Callista Private Equity. The business will be continued under the name of Madera Fiber Technologies. This transaction seeks to boost this business unit under

Debt Restructuring Webinar with ACICAE

“Investors do not invest in problems, they invest in projects”. Webinar yesterday June 8th in collaboration with ACICAE – Basque Country Automotive Cluster on Restructuring and Alternative Sources of Financing. Thanks ACICAE as always. It has been a pleasure for us to share this time with you. Fernando Cabos, partner and Pablo Gómez Hidalgo de

Financing Sources at “Turquoise Day”

On Monday June 6, our colleagues Eugenia Cabeza Tejera and César Claver Gómez gave a talk to the students of the MER Master in which UPV/EHU participates among other important universities ( Eugenia and César shared with all the students which are the ways to obtain financing for the development of their professional projects. All

Webinar on “The keys to non-bank financing”

On May 27th, Pablo Gómez, Transaction Manager gave a webinar in collaboration with HEGAN BASQUE AEROSPACE CLUSTER in which the Keys to Non-Bank Financing were reviewed. In an environment of maximum financial exigency originated by the stop and later relaunch of the business activity, the non banking financing (or alternative financing) emerges like an instrument

Financial investors are not a risk for the companies but an opportunity

  Aitor Cayero, partner at IMAP Albia Capital, was interviewed by Jesús Lastra for El Diario Montañés on May 19 : “Funds are not a risk for companies, but an opportunity”. The possible sale of a company is neither a trivial moment nor, of course, a common moment in the life of an organization. In

IMAP Albia Capital, M&A advisor, turns 18

We have celebrated in our Bilbao office the 18th anniversary of IMAP Albia Capital. 18 years of illusion, emotions and many successes in closing corporate transactions. More than 250 projects closed by IMAP Albia Capital in these years and more than 300 transactions per year with IMAP, which places us among the top 10 advisors

IMAP Albia Capital advises Vitrinor in the sale of its subsidiaries Vitrispan and Revesconsult to Gemba Private Equity

IMAP Albia Capital has been advising Vitrinor, the kitchenware manufacturing group operating under the Magefesa brand name, in the sale of its Vitrispan and Revesconsult to Gemba Private Equity, a fund specializing in investing in industrial SMEs. Through this acquisition, Gemba hopes to provide the company with the resources it requires to fund its ambitious

Talking about Financing at Club de Marketing de Navarra

Yesterday April 27th we had the pleasure of giving a talk on Refinancing and Alternative Financing at the Marketing Club of Navarra. Fernando Cabos and Pablo Gómez had the pleasure of sharing with all the attendees, both in person and online, the characteristics of a Refinancing and/or Financing Search process. Throughout history, all kinds of

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