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Webinar about Bank Debt Refinancing

Fernando Cabos, last Tuesday, May 5, taught a webinar on how to Refinance Bank Debt,something so necessary in times of crisis in collaboration with the Chamber of Cantabria. You can watch the talk by clicking Cantabria Commerce Chamber Throughout the life of companies there are times when their activity is not able to generate enough […]

“We are all in this together”. A message from IMAP Chairman Jurgis V. Oniunas?

Dear Partners, Colleagues, Friends, I started writing this over the weekend, but, unfortunately, I was shaken out of bed Sunday morning by the strongest earthquake to hit Zagreb in 140 years, sending scared people to congregate in the unusually wintry streets, as if God was saying, “Forget isolation, get out there and mingle…”  So, after a

Business Finance Guide to Tackle the Crisis: Other

¿CUÁLES SON LAS MEDIDAS DE APOYO FINANCIERO PARA PYMES Y AUTÓNOMOS ? Desde que el pasado sábado 14 de marzo se decretara el Estado de Alarma derivado de la pandemia del Covid-19, los Organismos Públicos vienen trabajando en paquetes de medidas de apoyo financiero transitorio que persiguen mitigar el posible impacto que el escenario de

Business Finance Guide to Tackle the Crisis: Foral Councils

¿CUÁLES SON LAS MEDIDAS DE APOYO FINANCIERO A PYMES Y AUTÓNOMOS? Desde que el pasado sábado 14 de marzo se decretara el Estado de Alarma derivado de la pandemia del Covid-19, los Organismos Públicos vienen trabajando en paquetes de medidas de apoyo financiero transitorio que persiguen mitigar el posible impacto que el escenario de contención

Together with you in the COVID-19 crisis

  From IMAP Albia Capital we would like to convey to our customers and friends our best wishes of health and encouragement in these difficult times which have suddenly changed all our plans. We are convinced that covid-19 will be defeated and that sooner rather than later life will return to normal. However, we fear

“How much is my company worth?” in Cámara Comercio Cantabria

  Alex Azcona, Partner of IMAP Albia Capital Partners, will be in Santander, next March 26 at 9:00 h at the Cantabria Chamber of Commerce with the talk “How much is my company worth?” In the current context of abundance of corporate operations, and excess liquidity in the markets, many companies receive approximations or have

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