Sale of Companies
Sale of companies, divisions or activity lines
The sale of a company or business line is a complex process which requires:
- A methodology,
- High technical qualifications,
- Experience which helps to resolve the complex situations that take place during the process and
- Considerable time and resources.
Although all of this does not assure success, if the aforementioned requirements are met, the probability of a successful company sale process is substantially higher.
At ALBIA, we perform an in-depth analysis of the type of company addressed by the sale, as well as its strategic positioning, products, sales strategy, operating position, efficiency, technological knowhow and financial situation.
Based on this analysis, we plan a company sale process by focusing on its highlights and researching purely strategic potential buyers, seeking the business aggregates that they would be interested in when buying a firm.
To identify the potential buyers, IMAP Albia Capital employs the strategic business development analysis method by using the vectors of ascending and descending vertical integration, horizontal integration and the concentric.
After identifying the profiles of the various company buyers, a global search of companies that meet the profile is made in all the countries defined as potentially interesting for this search. To do this, IMAP Albia Capital is supported by the local partners that are members of its IMAP international network and by other international offices with which it usually collaborates.
Based on the potential buyers’ profile, the necessary documents will be drafted to present and promote the company so that it can be assessed.
IMAP Albia Capital participates and directs all the negotiations with the potential buyers, advising its clients throughout the sale process and relieving them of managing the process permanently. In the various phases of the process, the company, thanks to its long experience in these types of operations, will propose different options to the client with the aim of resolving any problems that may arise.
The advisory service continues during the due diligence, negotiating its results and collaborating with and supporting the client’s legal team when negotiating and drafting the final sale agreements.