ALBIA IMAP was founded in 2004 to provide M&A consulting services to middle-market companies. Over the past 20 years, we have grown to a team of 20 people, with offices in Bilbao, Madrid, and Barcelona, and have participated in more than 150 M&A projects. We are part of the IMAP organization, with a presence in over 50 countries and more than 500 professionals, consistently ranking us in the global top 10 advisors for transactions up to $500 million.

How many corporate and M&A transactions has ALBIA IMAP participated in during the last year?
ALBIA IMAP participated in 10 corporate transactions in 2023, and so far in 2024, we have successfully closed 5 transactions. We have good prospects for the second half of the year, both in terms of our contracted portfolio and the stage of the ongoing projects, as well as the investment appetite we are observing in the market.

Any in the Basque Country? If so, is there one you can highlight?
We highlight a recent transaction closed in the Basque Country, where we advised the shareholders of AKT Plásticos on the sale of the company to CIE Automotive. Through this transaction, CIE increases its production capacity in the plastics segment and its presence within the Volkswagen Group.

Are you specialized in any specific sector or market?
While we have experience and projects in almost every sector, in recent times we have been proactively positioning ourselves in a few specific ones. Given the composition of the Spanish market and global trends, we expect these sectors to see a significant number of corporate transactions in the coming years. These include food and beverages, healthcare, technology, and transportation and logistics. However, due to our previous experience, the automotive, energy, and industrial sectors will also continue to play a significant role in our projects.

 What added value do your services offer?
Our services offer high added value to any of our clients, whether we are advising sellers or buyers, for various reasons.






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