2022: An exceptional year for tackling business challenges and opportunities

Javier Zarraonandia Corporate Development Director   2021 has been a year of contrasts in terms of business performance, with some extremely dynamic sectors and others that are suffering the effects of the pandemic. The appearance of new and unforeseen variables such as inflation, supply chain difficulties, energy costs, etc., have slowed the recovery. It is […]

IMAP closes record high 294 M&A transactions

IMAP closed an all time high 294 M&A transactions valued at over $27 billion in 2021. The figure marked a significant jump up from the 212 transactions closed in 2020 and far surpassed the previous IMAP annual record of 230 transactions closed in 2019. A unique combination of low interest rates, aggressive investors flush with

IMAP Albia Capital has advised ALCORTA FORGING GROUP in acquiring THE NEW BOSTON FORGE PLANT, owned by LC MANUFACTURING, located in Detroit, USA

Alcorta Forging Group (AFG), a centennial forging company based in Elgoibar (Gipuzkoa, Spain), has acquired the New Boston Plant (Detroit, MI), previously owned by the LC Manufacturing Group.   This acquisition is part of a diversification process planned by AFG from a double perspective: (i) geographical, by increasing its sales outside of Europe and (ii)

Fourth edition Albiacoustic

Albiacoustic is an event that aims to be a meeting point for friends and clients of IMAP Albia Capital. As a financial company   (mergers and acquisitions, sale and purchase of companies, capital raising, financing advisory and valuation of companies with international presence) we wanted to bring together in an annual event our friends and clients

IMAP Albia Capital presents its Sonobrand

IMAP Albia Capital is an international firm, specializing in mergers and acquisitions, capital raising, financing advisory and valuation of companies, which is recurrently listed in the Top 10 M&A advisors globally and is the first independent. We have decided to create a Sonobrand as a continuation of our branding strategy. It is the logical evolution

Pablo Gómez in TTR´s blog

Pablo Gómez, Director   TTR: What are the most relevant drivers for consolidating the M&A market in Spain, over the medium and long term? P.G.: The key drivers will be industry consolidation and the availability of liquidity. Spain’s production network consists primarily of SMEs, and this makes it particularly difficult to compete in a fully

Foro de Empresarios de Álava

On Wednesday, November 27, the “Foro Empresarial de Álava ”  organized by El Correo , BSK Legal y Fiscal , and Laboral Kutxa was held at the Gran Hotel Lakua in Vitoria. The event was attended by Enrique de Ybarra, President of El Correo; Txomin García, President of LABORAL Kutxa; and Ramón Solórzano, Managing Partner

IMAP Albia Capital presents a Mercurio Prize to Elena Ceca of Tonelerías Murua

Last Thursday, October 14, IMAP Albia Capital, at the Mercurio 2021 Awards, presented the award to the best Executive Management to Ms. Elena Ceca of Tonelerías Murua. Tonelería Murúa, founded in 1898, is one of the first cooperages in Europe. Today it is still a family business managed by a dynamic and current fourth generation

How much is my company worth – Alex Azcona for “El Economista”

Determining the value of a company requires a combination of technical knowledge and market experience, and not necessarily in that order. How much is my company worth? This is a question that is often asked by clients, friends and acquaintances and one for which, to their surprise, there is no direct answer. In recent years,

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